Benefits of the Scheme

The proposed scheme will result in a range of environmental benefits as follows:

  1. Concertinaed building envelope with a lesser impact on the openness of the Green Belt.
  2. Significant improvement in the overall image of the site from a utilitarian image to a sensitively designed purpose-built landscape led scheme, providing an aesthetically and functionally superior experience for staff, volunteers, clients and visitors.
  3. The new facility will provide the opportunity to implement the new Guide Dogs training methods creating a better training experience and environment for the dogs.
  4. Improved interface and connection between the front of the building and the adjacent landscape.
  5. Significant improvement in the energy efficiency of the new building that currently exists.
  6. Similar range of activities provided as per current uses with a reduction in operational hours from a 24-hour operation to office hours 7am-7pm with training activities 9am-5pm, resulting in a reduction in site activity, noise, lighting and creating better neighbour amenity.
  7. Lesser annual through put of dogs reducing from 95 to a maximum of 80, therefore less activity on the site.
  8. Newly landscaped edge and better site image along the boundary with Manor Road.
  9. New sensitive landscape scheme resulting in improved landscape value and habitat creation providing a net increase in biodiversity than currently exists which is largely heavily mown amenity grassland with low ecological value.
  10. All vehicles associated with the proposed development can be accommodated on site creating no pressure on parking on the local highway network.