New Point of Access and Car Parking
A new point of access is proposed off Manor Road to separate the Green Belt land to be retained. The majority of the car-parking will be concealed behind the new building and the main interface between the new building and the gardens/grounds will be soft and vehicle free.
The proposed car parking areas located adjacent to the new entrance point off Manor Road are existing areas of hardstanding, currently being used for car parking. These areas will be landscaped (as shown on the attached drawing – Proposed Access Landscaping) to reduce the visual impact of parking in this location. The combination of a new secure boundary paladin fence (colour green) and a native hedge (to be maintained at 2.0m) along the Manor Road boundary will largely conceal the proposed parking areas. Furthermore, retention of existing mounding plus additional landscaping in the form of native trees and buffer shrub planting will further soften the visual impact of the parking areas.